
Red Juice Recipe (Modified Juice Fast)

In Organic on January 24, 2014 by organicconversion Tagged: , , , , , , ,


Day 3 Modified Juice Fast

I went produce shopping for the second time last night and I bought beets. I know I don’t like canned pickled beets…I’m not sure that I’ve ever tried a real, fresh beet. We’ll see if I like it in the juice! I am really liking the taste and smell of the ginger in the juice!

A.M. Red Juice

Makes 2 Servings


5 carrots
1 beet with stem and leaves
½ bunch celery
1 cucumber
1 green apple
2 inches ginger root
½ kale bunch
¼ parsley bunch (optional)

I added lemon to this, next time I will peel the lemon…it just adds a slight bitter after taste when you don’t…

My son commented that he liked the beet and carrot taste and he was very excited that we made a rainbow in the juicer and with the layers of juice…it was a nice opportunity to talk about how we are supposed to be eating the rainbow each day with our fruits and veggies. He’d never seen a beet or tasted one either before today 🙂 He’s 10.

For the first time we ran the pulp through the juicer a second time with a measuring cup at the spout just to see if there was extra juice (he called it “science”)…the pulp was pretty dry and it is very crumbly and messy to re-juice the pulp and there was really no juice because the crumbly pulp pretty much goes right into the exit bucket. I wanted to see what came out if I added just enough water to the pulp to make it more sticky and much easier and not messy to add it back into the juicer. For 1/2 a cup of water I got about a cup of juice out of the re-juice…same color, flavor, taste as the rest…I think it needed to stick together to make it into the spinner to get any extra juice out of it.

I liked the red juice…I like the mean green better…but I can see how the variety of a red juice in the morning and green the rest of the day would be helpful in doing a long juice fast.

I was looking at the carb/fat/protein mix, for when I go to only juice…basically, there is more than enough carbs, just the right amount of protein and low fat…in the mix…I guess I’m OK with the low fat since I figure my body has plenty to go access if it needs it.

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