Posts Tagged ‘lemon’


Energy Drinks to Green Juice (Modified Juice Fast)

In Juicing,Natural Foods,Nutrition,Organic,Raw foods on January 24, 2014 by organicconversion Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , ,


Modified Juice Fast Day 4

Well, I told myself when the last coffee energy drink was gone that was it…to be replaced by my morning juice. I thought I had one left so I was kind of mad when it wasn’t there this morning. But, oh well, I made my red juice and I’m fine now. I stepped on the scale and was down 2 pounds so that helped me get over my lack of coffee a bit.

Last night I had a headache for awhile…eventually I went and got a big glass of water and then I was fine. I made the mistake of drinking my last juice after dinner time thinking I’d be up at least a few more hours…then I went to lay down with my daughter and the second I was horizontal I had terrible acid…and if I got up right then she was going to bounce up and awake like a Jack-in-the-box, so I was stuck there for awhile.

I think maybe I’m hyper aware of any “symptoms” because of changing to juice…but really, I know I have had the same sort of things on regular food at various times…

I’m adding a 4th juice today and cutting the snack. Still planning on a healthy early dinner…as long as I’m feeling OK I think tomorrow is going to be the first day of the total juice only fast. I’m looking forward to it.

3pm…headache had gone, but then was back again…went and drank a big glass of water…it was less, but still there. Laid down for a bit and that helped a lot. Skin looks decent today, not perfect, but not bad. Weirdest thing- when I was resting, I could taste chocolate…even though there was no chocolate and I haven’t had anything chocolate in a few weeks…

It is strange to think I already need to juice again because it seemed like so much of the red and green juice…but it will be gone later today…I like it better fresh…even just overnight in the fridge it wasn’t as good. The store was out of cucumbers! I’m going to grab a couple from the gas station to get me through…they are home grown in a local garden here and he buys them by the box for resale.