Posts Tagged ‘organic laundry soap’


The Organic Conversion

In Budget Organic Food,Healthy Organic Recipes,Minnesota,Natural Foods,Organic,Organic Beauty Reviews,Organic Companies,Organic Foods,Organic Product Reviews,Organic vs Non-Organic,Reading Ingredients and Labels,Reading Nutrition Labels,Toxic Chemicals in Beauty Products,Toxic Chemicals in Food,Toxic Food Additives on March 29, 2011 by organicconversion Tagged: , , , , , , , , , ,

What's in Your Food? by Bill Statham

What's in Your Food? by Bill Statham

Hi! Welcome to the “covert” organic, a little blog about converting from the processed foods and products full of chemicals and other unhealthy junk to natural foods and organic products- all while eiking by on a tiny budget and using my brain to research chemicals and pick good alternative products.

This is really a snapshot of the ongoing story chronicling my slow conversion from buying the average everyday brand name foods, bath and beauty products, laundry and cleaning products that I grew up with to buying organic in order to reduce my exposure to toxic stuff.

I’m checking the labels and researching what those crazy chemical names mean on the back of the label and with some help from a great book called “What’s in Your Food?” by Bill Stratham. Research has shown that those chemical names that we assume are okay since they are in the food and products that we buy at the local stores aren’t always “okay”.

Sometimes those long names tacked on at the end of the list of ingredients are just the formal name for a vitamin and not something that is bad for you, but sometimes those names are hiding chemicals that are known carcinogens or mutagens.

Like a lot of people, I’m on a budget and besides finding all the hidden chemicals that are in pretty much everything, I’m finding it hard to buy organic because it costs so much more than all those chemical-laden brand name products that are on every store shelf and I have to look a lot harder and research more to find out which organic alternatives are the best and where to buy them.

Mrs. Meyers Clean Day Soap

Mrs. Meyers Clean Day Soap- Basil

I’m trying out different natural products as I replace the “old” brand name chemical-laden stuff I always bought before because it was cheap and widely available and seeing what works and what is the most cost-effective.

Luckily, I read a lot of great articles that point me in the right direction of products and chemicals to watch out for, then I go and do my own research so I call tell the real from the quacks.

So, that is what this blog is going to be about…I think. 🙂

by Kristina Blasen (2011)